A utility about ULID values. Endpoints ========= Most endpoints rely on the Accept header to customize the response. If an invalid header value is used, an HTTP 406 error will be returned. Generate a ULID https://ulid.new https://ulid.app/new Accept header (optional, defaults to text/plain) * application/json - object with keys of "id" (string of ULID), "timestamp" (string of time; ISO8601 format, UTC), and "randomness" (string of random bits portion) * text/html - redirected to inspect the ULID and metadata * text/plain - text of ULID Query parameters * t - generate a ULID for a specific time (ISO8601; optional, defaults to current time) Generate mulitple ULID values. https://ulid.new/bulk?n={n} https://ulid.app/bulk?n={n} Accept header (optional, defaults to text/plain) * application/json - array of objects with keys of "id" (string of ULID), "timestamp" (string of time; ISO8601 format, UTC), and "randomness" (string of random bits portion) * text/plain - text of ULID Query parameters * n - number of ULID values to generate (integer, minimum 0, maximum 1024; required) * t - generate a ULID for a specific time (ISO8601; optional, defaults to current time) Inspect a ULID. https://ulid.app/{ulid} If an invalid {ulid} value is provided, an HTTP 404 error will be returned. Accept header (optional, defaults to text/plain) * application/json - object with keys of "id" (string of ULID), "timestamp" (string of time; ISO8601 format, UTC), and "randomness" (string of random bits portion) * text/html - summary page with ULID, metadata, and copy utilities * text/plain - text of ULID Examples ======== Basic request returns a ULID. $ curl https://ulid.new 01G0A07M655ZV5QP92J5ERZ1MW JSON returns extra metadata. $ curl -H 'Accept: application/json' https://ulid.new { "id":"01G0A07M655ZV5QP92J5ERZ1MW", "randomness":"5ZV5QP92J5ERZ1MW", "timestamp":"2022-04-10T15:07:16.037Z" } Bulk returns a series of ULID values. $ curl 'https://ulid.new/bulk?n=4' 01G0A07M655ZV5QP92J5ERZ1MW 01G0A07M655ZV5QP92J8KDP9MW 01G0A07M655ZV5QP92JCGP4MFK 01G0A07M655ZV5QP92JEJPNQRA Resources ========= * https://github.com/dpb587/ulidapp - app source * https://github.com/ulid/spec - specification * https://github.com/oklog/ulid - implementation used * https://clipboardjs.com/ - client copy behavior * https://heroicons.com/ - clipboard icons * https://openmoji.org/library/#emoji=1F194 - favicon